Great, glorious, and correct
来自China Digital Space
伟光正 (wěi guāng zhèng): great, glorious, and correct

How the Chinese Communist Party has described itself for decades. Netizens have turned this term on its head, using it to sarcastically refer to the Party’s stubborn insistence that it is always in the right.
For example, netizens used the phrase to describe the way in which the Chinese press portrayed Zhou Yongkang, the ex-security chief and former member of the Politburo Standing Committee, until he became the target of graft-related investigations on July 29, 2014:
Yang-shao-zheng (@杨-绍-政): What is freedom of the press? Before he was investigated, all reporting on Zhou Yongkang was great, glorious, and correct. Not a single [Chinese] media outlet reported anything on his investigation as it was going on for over a year. But as soon as the Communist Party of China announced that an investigation had been opened, the media immediately perked up, freely spreading negative reporting. This is press freedom with Chinese characteristics. Am I right?
“Great, glorious, and correct” sounds like it could be someone’s name. A fake Baidu Encyclopedia entry on Comrade Wei Guangzheng [Chinese] described a man who always thinks he is right, even though he clearly is not. (The entry no longer exists on Baidu Encyclopedia itself.)