Second generation official
来自China Digital Space
guān èr dài 官二代

Children of officials, also known as princelings or members of the Crown Prince Party.
Just as families hand down wealth from generation to generation, they also pass down the keys to political power. Bo Guagua, the son of former Chongqing Party Committee Secretary Bo Xilai, epitomizes all that ordinary people disdain about this generation. The younger Bo attended the British public school Harrow, then went on to Oxford, where he threw extravagant parties and arranged for lectures from the likes of Jackie Chan. After his father fell afoul of the Party in spring 2012, Bo Guagua’s lavish lifestyle came under close scrutiny by netizens.
On Sina Weibo, one user criticized China's princelings and the country’s rich second generation for their lack of work ethic and sensibility:
Majinghaoshuokuaiji (@马靖昊说会计): In addition to being born a second generation official and in the rich second generation, those guys have no clue how to work hard and act with diligence. They are simply too insensible. They are destined to become losers!
See also rich second generation.