State of Anxiety on Film, Radio, and Television (SARFT)
来自China Digital Space
Guǎngdiàn Zǒng Jí 广电总急

Play on the abbreviation for the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (Guǎngdiàn Zǒngjú 广电总局), the administrative body that until 2013 directly regulated state-owned media. The last character, jú (局, bureau) becomes jí (急, anxious) a reference to the keen sensitivity that Chinese censors are known to display when sanitizing the media.
SARFT was merged with the General Administration of Press and Publications in 2013 to form the State Administration of Press, Publications, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT). In addition to regulating the content of broadcast media, the administration also plays a role in regulating internet content.
During the National People's Congress meeting in Beijing in March 2018, a government restructuring proposal included the abolishment of SAPPRFT, to be replaced with a State Administration for Radio and Television (国家广播电视总局) that would oversee radio broadcasting and film productions. The proposal, to be deliberated at the ongoing political meetings in Beijing, has again changed the name and jurisdiction of the State Council-led media regulator.
HuYong (@胡泳): SARFT: Internet celebrities and scandalous personages prohibited from appearing as special guests on TV
CuiXianghong(@崔向红): The State of Anxiety on Film, Radio, and Television sure is busy. (May 18, 2014)
广电总急真忙 [Chinese]
In 2014, SARFT issued a ban on puns in broadcast advertisements and content.