996 Rainmaker 造雨俠
来自China Digital Space
Hello everyone, I am 996 Rainmaker 👋
🐣 I worked a few part-time jobs to support my family during my college years. Through this experience, I realized that earning a substantial income through part-time work is challenging. After graduation, fueled by determination, I immediately started my own business. However, lacking market experience, financial literacy, and a team, the venture failed after two years.
😤 Reflecting on the past, I actively sought learning opportunities and solutions. Fortunately, I found a mentor who became a crucial figure in my life. Through continuous learning and practical experience, I successfully turned things around. Currently, I serve as the chairman of three companies and invest in two private enterprises.
🔥 Mission: Share entrepreneurial and investment experiences, and cultivate more wealthy individuals.
♥️ Feel free to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@996Rainmaker?sub_confirmation=1
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