Temporary rape
来自China Digital Space
临时性强奸 (lín shí xìng qiáng jiān): temporary rape
This phrase comes from the case of two police officers in Nanxun, Zhejiang Province, who raped a teenage girl while she was drunk and unconscious in October of 2009. Although rape in these circumstances (two people raping one woman (轮奸)) would usually be punished by at least ten years in prison, the officers were only sentenced to three years. In explaining the lenient sentence, the judge said that the crime was “temporary and done on a whim” (临时性的即意犯罪). While the word temporary “临时” can also mean “occurring just before something happens” (临到事情发生时) (possibly referring to the fact that the rape may not have been premeditated), it more often carries meaning closer to the English word “temporary.” The judge's choice of wording and the light sentence drew the ire of netizens. For example, the Hudong Encyclopedia article on the phrase states:
You can search the web over and you will not find the phrase “temporary crime on a whim.” “Temporary” is an action taken that is informal and lasts for a short period of time. How can it be that rape can be informal as opposed to formal, or that it is divided based on duration? “Temporary crime on a whim” must be a new word, perhaps creatively fulfilling some unmet need of the judiciary.
After this case became a hotly discussed subject on the internet (beginning in November, 2009), imitations of the phrase began to appear. For example:
临时性打死人: temporarily beating someone to death
临时性被自杀: temporarily bei-suicided
临时性行贿受贿: temporarily bribe (someone)
临时性醉驾: temporarily driving drunk
临时性抢劫: temporarily stealing