
The Panjin

来自China Digital Space

Qi Yi讨论 | 贡献2024年7月17日 (三) 21:36的版本
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The Liaoning

盘锦号 (Pánjǐn Háo): The Panjin

As official media was lauding the commissioning of China's first aircraft carrier, “The Liaoning," a news story breaking in Liaoning Province was garnering considerable attention. The story involved the death of Wang Shujie, an unarmed resident of Panjin who was shot and killed during the forced demolition of his home.

One netizen wryly commented “if ‘The Liaoning’ were renamed “The Panjin,” it would strike greater fear into the hearts of our enemies” (如果“辽宁号”改名“盘锦号”,更能让敌人闻风丧胆).