来自China Digital Space
Welcome to the Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon

In December 2023, we published a revised edition of the Lexicon as an eBook, which includes updated entries for 104 of the most salient terms we have collected over the past 20 years. Please download it here.
The Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon is a glossary of memes, nicknames, and neologisms created by Chinese netizens and encountered in online political discussions. The project is named in honor of the grass-mud horse, the de facto mascot of Chinese internet users who deploy coded language to avert censorship and allude to their desire for freedom of information and expression. By systematically documenting and interpreting the dynamics of censorship, domination, and resistance in Chinese communication and information networks, the Lexicon aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the internet's cultural, social, and political impact. Learn more about the project and how you can contribute.
Latest Entries
Updated September 13, 2021
- Backbone Award
- Bare bottom swollen anus
- Batman vs. Military Coat
- Be johnned
- Be Tuoed
- Bear the burden for the country
- Believe in Han Han and you won't be brain-damaged
- Believe in the god Ai and be resurrected on the spot
- Big Boxer Shorts
- Big Spender
- Bird Anus
- Blackboard Fox
- Bloody demolition
- Blue Daddy
- Bone Brother
- Brain-damaged
- Brickspert
- Brother-in-law (older sister's husband)
- Bureau of Dicking Around
- Bureaucravirus
- Buried alive
- Calamity TV
- Can I swear?
- Can you do it? Do you understand?
- Captain Bo
- Celestial dynasty goes into the pot
- Celestial Empire
- Chai Jing blue
- Chaoyang masses
- Check the water meter
- China Central Adult Video (CCAV)
- China's Internet is open
- China's wailing wall
- Chinese people need to be controlled
- Chinese Thanksgiving
- Chinternet
- Chrysanthemum Licking Party
- Chrysanthemum script
- Compare fathers
- Contemptible committee
- Copy homework
- Core
- Correct collective memory
- Crotch Central Committee
- Crouching grass-mud horse
- Cured meat
- Cut chives
- Cutlassfish bun
- Cutlassfish Zhou
- Daddy Xi
- Dama era
- Death by drinking boiled water
- Death by nightmare
- Dedicate a chrysanthemum with deep feeling
- Demolish it
- Destruction experiment
- Digital disobedience
- Dinner Party
- Disturbed
- Ditch oil
- Do not make irresponsible remarks
- Do you have children?
- Do you speak for the Party or the people?
- Don't understand the actual situation
- Donate my ass
- Donkey people
- Drink tea
- Drop-and-run
- Fart people
- Fart people suffer system's mistakes
- Father of the Great Firewall
- Fifty Cent Party
- Fifty cents
- Fifty cents honest
- Filter tyrant
- Fitting shoe
- Five nos
- Five times better
- Fold a blanket
- Foreign (hostile) forces
- Foreigners who have eaten their fill and have nothing better to do
- Free from turmoil
- Frisbee Hu
- Fuck in China
- Get immunized
- Get rice-drunk
- Get soy sauce
- Give free rein to Party nature
- Give the people some tape
- Global flying dog
- Go with the flow
- Godfather
- Govern-rot
- Governor
- Grass-mud horse
- Gratitude
- Great Chinese LAN
- Great Firewall
- Great Qing
- Great Qing pill
- Great wall
- Great, glorious, and correct
- Green Daddy
- Green Dam Girl
- Hair removal
- Half-hearted suicide attempt
- Hang oneself
- Harmonious
- Have everything but Daddy
- Have you changed to a dish?
- Have you seen grandfather?
- Heir apparent
- Hide-and-seek
- Horse of deception
- House Uncle
- How can we not speak out just because our voice is small?
- How has your family been recently?
- How were you unlucky enough to be born in China?
- Hu 77
- Hu Zhanfan style
- Hurt the feelings of the Chinese people
- Laam caau
- Laozi says it everywhere (I say it everywhere)
- Law is not a shield
- Lead the Way Party
- Leaders first
- Lei Zhengfu
- Lie down
- Lin imitates Yang's voice
- Little pink
- Local fiefdom
- Long distance patriot makes mischief
- Love for the cooking pot
- Love the future
- Love the place that hates you
- Lovely anti-corruption sisters
- Low-level red, high-level black